It’s Laughable How the Dodgy Globalists and their Paid off Spiv’s Try and de Bunk the NZ Health Data
Twitter Post By Jamie McIntyre
It’s laughable how the dodgy globalists and their paid off spiv’s try and de bunk the NZ health data, showing that if you were injected with a deadly, unproven and unnecessary drug, masquerading as a Bs19 vaccine, and dropped dead causing an increase in excess deaths, it’s from everything else but the obvious cause.
And this is from an industry that inflated COVID cases with fake test kits, and paid hundreds of millions to hospitals to inject end of life drugs into patients to boost COVID deaths and to count any death as COVID
But no when it’s comes to dying of the vaccine – nope can’t record that .
Take deadly drugs and die suddenly –
That’s pretty simple
Australian National Review