Nurses Speak Out – Watch Nurses Reporting C0VID Vaxxine Deaths and Injuries – Registered Nurse. 21 Years, Mental Health Team Leader
By Nurses Speak Out
I have been working as an RN for 21 years.
I’ve worked in a variety of settings including Acute, Rehabilitation, community, ED, aged care snd for the past 10 years in Mental Health, 8 of those as a Team Leader.
I am disgusted by this government’s over zealous reliance on experimental injections of unknown substances in an attempt to prevent and treat a virus that has a risk of survival of 99%.
But I am especially disgusted at the medical and health care fraternity pushing this experimental injection into unwitting mental health patients and clients.
A couple of weeks ago I heard from a colleague that our psychiatric medical director had visited the ward and basically bullied all the admitted mental health patients into taking the injection. He’s also bullied staff who would otherwise have declined.
I then witnessed a registrar offering a patient the injection, except it was less an offer and more a skilfully worded demand. “Can I organise your COVID vaccine for you now while you’re here?” The patient then compliantly walked into a room and not long after walked out and went to get her things ready for discharge. So quick I thought. Was there any informed consent provided there, I thought. I wanted to scream. I hated them for what they are doing to my clients and my patients.
These people, these patients, have been trained to be compliant and these doctors use their authority to creat an imbalance of power. Makes me sick. And now nurses who would otherwise advocate for their clients and patients are being pushed out of the system. Their service no longer required. No longer appreciated. Expendable.