Nurses Speak Out – Watch Nurses Reporting C0VID Vaxxine Deaths and Injuries – Registered Nurse. Podiatrist of 7 Years in Private Practice and Have Worked as an RN Prior
By Nurses Speak Out
I’m a Podiatrist of 7 years in Private Practice and have worked as an RN prior.
I’ve had 3 patients with gastroenteritis in the 2 days after vaccination. 2 were post AZ dose 1 and one post Pfizer dose 1. All were women between 70 and 85 years of age. One was hospitalised for a week. Another for 2 days with gastro, asthma complications and an exacerbated neuromuscular condition ( that was previously in remission). 2 weeks on, her asthma was still periodically flaring up.
All stated that they felt like they were “dying” with severe body aches. All stated that the vaccine connection was denied by the hospital medical officer or their GP or both and not reported.
The patient with asthma and the neuromuscular condition called the hotline and the lady she spoke to said she had the same thing but is compelled to get the second dose for work reasons. My patient was very firm that she would not get the second dose.
A friend’s relative in her 70s (also local to me) had an anaphylactic reaction requiring adrenaline and hospital admission post AZ dose 1. The doctor plans on giving the second under hospital supervision!
There is no genuine consideration or risk/benefit analysis and consent is not happening.