Nurses Speak Out – Watch Nurses Reporting C0VID Vaxxine Deaths and Injuries – Registered Occupational Therapist, Community
By Nurses Speak Out
I am a registered Occupational Therapist, I graduated in —-and I work in the community, visiting people at home.
This week one client in his mid 70’s, with cancer treatment told me his story post VAX.
His treatment and health regime was steady for the past 12 months. 2 weeks post vax, his WBC dropped to 0.3. He was in hospital for 5 weeks. They found blood clots. He has been discharged home where he lives with his wife, much weaker, much worse for wear.
His wife told me that her sister, healthy and active in her early 70’s, had a stroke 3 days post vax.
Another client told me her 17 year old grand-daughter had dreadful neck swelling and pain.
None of the treating Drs linked the symptoms to the vax.
Thanking you for the opportunity to share my story.