Nurses Speak Out – Watch Nurses Reporting C0VID Vaxxine Deaths and Injuries – Applied Kinesiologist and Physiotherapist from 40 Years
By Nurses Speak Out
I wrote earlier about the clients I see having a new presentation of pain that I have not seen before in my 40 years of being a Physio.
This is a severe exacerbation of a previous injury plus pain all over their body with headaches.
All but one client are not relating it to the jab because they had the jab about 3-4 months ago.
The client who is awake says she and her friends who have been jabbed are all having returning illnesses, injuries and pain since the jab.
That client allowed me to see if a magnet would stick to the jab site — and it stuck SHE IS NOW MAGNETIC AT THE SITE OF THE JAB.
Those videos on the internet of the jabbed being magnetic are true.
Additionally, the transmission from the jabbed.
I am now getting this weird spotty rash on my forearms and this blood blister bruising as well. My forearms feel itchy all the time.
I have been using ivermectin, pine needle tea and bentonite clay on my forearms plus wearing gloves with the jabbed and it went away.
I did not wear gloves for one client the other day and it has come back. The Pfizer manual says it transmits by skin contact — I hate to agree with Big Pharma but I have to agree with them.