February 21, 2024 8:21 pm

ANR Chief Says Get to Canberra As He Packs His Bag and Sends the ANR Media Bus and Reporters To Prepare To Be There Until the Sco Mo Government Falls


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ANR Chief Says Get to Canberra As He Packs His Bag and Sends the ANR Media Bus and Reporters To Prepare To Be There Until the Sco Mo Government Falls

Truthbook Post By Jamie McIntyre

Part – 1/2: ANR Chief, says get to Canberra as he packs his bag and sends the ANR Media bus and reporters to prepare to be there until the Sco Mo Government falls. And Barnaby Joyce tried to resign – for calling Sco Mo a liar and a hypocrite- why Barnaby apologise- he is. How about you tell him the Nationals are leaving to form a Coalition with the United Australia Party, One Nation, and Independents to create a political revolution in Australia and desert the sinking and stinking ship of Sco Mo. That would achieve something useful. Any party that doesn’t denounce the deadly vaxx rollout, and respect the wishes of most Australians, to not have been forced, and lied to, and co erced and bullied, into taking a “death shot that will kill and injure, millions of innocent Australians, and 5 -11-year-old kids, stop young women ever having babies, cause miss carriages in pregnant mums, and killed granny already, which they used as a fake Covid death, to ramp up fear, and deadly misinformation to blame on Covid to drive vaccine sales up for Pfizer and co. www.anrnews.com


Here’s what others had to say:

You look back to normal know. Get a live or blood analysis Jamie see what is going on with your blood then you will know for sure. Vaxxers will have to detox forever. The non jabbed for as long as it takes and for as long as they are segregated and not affected by the jabbed. FB censored me and now Telegram have censored me as well. Thank you for Truthbook because the others CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!! Many platforms will delete your invite links as well Youtube, Telegram if you download the app through Google. Get Sco Mo out get ROD CULLERTON in he is our guy.

Fatema K
Jamie McIntyre I love how you have recognised and point it out well that the conspiracy channels are themselves! 7new 9 new. They spin everything including the very fact that they are the conspiracy theory spreaders!


Part – 2/2: ANR Chief, says get to Canberra, as he packs his bag to head there himself .and prepares to send the ANR Media bus, and more reporters, to prepare to be there until the Sco Mo Government falls. And Barnaby Joyce tried to resign – for calling Sco Mo a liar, and a hypocrite- why Barnaby apologise- he is. How about you tell him the Nationals are leaving to form a Coalition with the United Australia Party, One Nation and Independents to create a political revolution in Australia and desert the sinking and stinking ship of Sco Mo. And achieve something useful. Any party that doesn’t denounce the deadly vaxx rollout, and respect the wishes of most Australians, to not have been forced and lied to, and co erced and bullied into taking a “death shot”, that will kill and injure millions of innocent Australian’s, and 5 -11-year-old kids, stop young women ever having babies, cause miss carriages in pregnant mums, and killed granny already, which they used as a fake Covid death, to ramp up fear and deadly misinformation to blame on Covid to boost vaccine sales for Pfizer and co www.anrnews.com


Here’s what others had to say:

Karen McGlinchey
Remind ppl covid doesnt exist…even Hoody thinks he had covid…remind them its a cold or flu…

Kathie Clarke
I agree the Nationals should join the UAP, One Nation and other Independents to have a political revolution a Australia.

yes I just saw an interview with an American guy who was in a minor car crash but not really injured and they injected him with a sedative when he got out the car and and he said what the hell are you doing? then he woke up ventilated and called a covid patient.

AND there it is. Notice one of the truckie organisers with Bosi’s arm around him. The one who said Rod and the others shouldnt turn up but whilst flashing the 666 BUT there is Bosi with him on stage side by side. BOSI is controlled ops and this was a set up to have Bosi alone represent as an alternative for a political minor party in the next election to represent the people. What Hoody read out was by ROD CULLERTON he is trying and has done for years to take us back to our constitution. Bosi has done nothing but slag other parties and tell the gullible & Q followers BS and what they want to hear. ROD CULLERTON should have been there those truckies had NO RIGHT to tell him not to show up. BOSI is NOT the answer he is ALL about force and the next step in this is military law who better to front that. NO THANKS.

Belinda Brook
Honestly I believe the vaccine has caused this un natural virus, I have been so sick this week, and it doesn’t feel normal definitely modified, but they used the flu to push their vaccine so their vaccine can do the work for them I tested using a rat test as I was curious it was ofc positive, but I am genuinely way more sick than I have been in a long time.

Rob Cowley
Great to see you’re going to Canberra champion.

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Original Source: ANR Chief Says Get to Canberra As He Packs His Bag and Sends the ANR Media Bus and Reporters To Prepare To Be There Until the Sco Mo Government Falls

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