ANR Chief Editor, Covers Why You Should Delete Facebook, Why We Want a Peaceful Revolution, yet the Aust Government Is Violent Against Its Own People
Truthbook Post By Jamie McIntyre
ANR Chief Editor, covers why you should delete Facebook, why we want a peaceful Revolution, yet the Aust Government is violent against its own people – Klaus Schwab the head of WEF is so arrogant he was caught boasting how he via the Young Leaders of WEF have infiltrated most cabinets around the world, to put their puppets in power, to take over the world, with the planned Global Communism * note contains swearing.
Here’s what others had to say:
Gee Gee Wain
They’ve shot, smashed men to the ground, abused people and now using devices to cause burns and other pain and suffering. They will do whatever they need or want to do, they are delusional psychopaths.
I don’t think ScoMo is serious about causing a war with China, he just
wants to give us something else to thing about – a distraction
Scotty Storm
have not been on facy for years now been great.
Pat Wheeldon
pretty sure lifting a few of the mandates (QR coding into shops, mask wearing) coming up to an election is a little bit too cute altogether. Just like they care … not!