ANR Chief Executive Covers How the Same People That Lied to You About C0VID Are the Same Lying to You About Russia and Putin – and Is the Courier Mail the Worst Newspaper in Australia
Truthbook Post By Jamie McIntyre
ANR Chief Executive covers how the same people that lied to you about Covid are the same lying to you about Russia and Putin, -and is the Courier Mail the worst newspaper in Australia?- as it’s front page yesterday, of a blood faced Ukrainian women, and bombed buildings blaming Putin, and calling him a despot – was from a 2018 Gas explosion – and Putin and Russia have new found respect Globally, as a country and leader, willing to defend against the bullies, and defend democracy- how the world has changed – as the globalists get hit hard in Ukraine, and Ukrainians will soon be liberated from these thugs, and Globalists puppets, and he is speaking today in Australia’s northern city or Townsville at the Anzac Park for the Millions March Protest –