ANR Founder Calls Out Craig Kelly and Pauline Hanson for Supporting the Neo Nazi Globalists That Took Over Ukraine in a George Soros – US State Department Coup in 2014, by Supporting the Corrupt Ukrainian Regime/Neo Nazis’s, Child Sex Traffickers
Truthbook Post By Jamie McIntyre
ANR Founder calls out Craig Kelly and Pauline Hanson for supporting the neo nazi Globalists that took over Ukraine in a George Soros – Us State Department Coup in 2014, by supporting the corrupt Ukrainian regime / neo nazis’s, child sex traffickers against the liberation from Russia, and Russias rights to defend its borders and to remove the evil NATO / Globalists military threat that infiltrated Ukraine.
Support liberation and Russia for taking a stand aghast the real enemy of the world of fall for pathetic blatant Western corrupted propaganda. Supporting the truth Craig and Pauline Hanson when convenient isn’t enough- being ignorant about Geo Politics isn’t either – speak the truth or admit you have no idea.
Here’s what others had to say:
Evil biden is a threat around children.
Colin Hadley
We’re running out of people to trust, but then they are politicians.