The countries supporting the Nazi Rouge state of Ukraine, who refuse Independent investigations into the Buscha Massacre, and others, refuse for one reason only – they are guilty – guilty of the atrocities committed to frame Russia, and guilty of supporting and aiding a known illegal Nazi Regime in Ukraine, that doesn’t care for life. The Globalists and our taxpayer money is being used to arm these murderous Nazis, to continue the killing of innocent Ukrainians and Russian soldiers sent to protect Ukrainians and help defend against the Nazis -Stand with Nazis they demand of us in the West, by saying stand with Ukraine.Why?Tell me one good reason why we should stand with a Nazi rouge State run by the Globalists desperate to avoid their fate.To hell with the Great Reset and the Nazi Regime the Globalists are backing -Only the deeply misled and fooled offer any support or sympathy for such murderers.Stand for humanity.