February 21, 2024 8:14 pm

Hypothetical Disease X paves the way for expedited vaccine development


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Disease X is described by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a “priority disease” in conjunction with private sector partners. It’s part of a research and development blueprint for the private sector whose “aim is to fast-track the availability of effective tests, vaccines and medicines.”

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the unelected global authority on all of it, despite being the person responsible (if there were any accountability) for the devastating public health policies instituted worldwide throughout the disastrous COVID response — from harmful lockdowns to discriminatory and autonomy-infringing mask and then vaccine mandates.

Yet he was lost for words when Rebel News’ Chief Australian Correspondent Avi Yemini questioned him about Disease X during boots-on-the-ground journalistic coverage in Davos.

Tedros was not lost for words during a Disease X panel that same day, where he described this blueprint placeholder for when, not if, a hypothetical disease comes.

Tedros claims that COVID was the first Disease X and that the private sector (otherwise known as Big Pharma), will be at the centre of the blueprint to test drugs and “other tools” but stops short of mentioning vaccines, even though the blueprint’s entire aim is to fast track them.

Of course, Tedros says that global compliance with the WHO’s controversial pandemic agreement is pivotal to better understand this imagined pathogen.

This unelected, unaccountable oligarch dares to urge participants not to let national interest obstruct cooperation with this agreement, which is being rammed through without due process in what independent researcher James Roguski has referred to as voting fraud and in contravention to the WHO’s guiding principles.

It’s been further reported by Rebel News that Canada is helping to fund the global vaccine empire through the Access to COVID-19 Tools, known as the ACT-Accelerator program, through a $2.1 billion contribution to the WHO-centric initiative. This is furthered by another $100 million contribution to the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) “to accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases.”

CEPI appears to play a pivotal role in Disease X. Shortly after public criticism over this hypothetical, simulation pathogen was ramping up, they issued a news release titled “DISEASE X – What it is, and what it is not.” They used a search insight tool known as “Answer the Public” to hone in on the most popular search terms from four countries over the last 12 months.

The release claims that “Safe and effective vaccines have significantly reduced COVID-19’s mortality and morbidity, saving an estimated 20 million lives in the first year of their roll-out” – which is hyperlinked to another imaginary scenario.

The study’s parameters used controversial “official” reported COVID death data and was funded entirely by vaccine-propagating organizations that profit from their use like GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

CEPI goes on to assure the reader that a “future Disease X” is “certain.”

A major component of this blueprint and framework is so that “scientists can get a head start by creating new medical defenses such as vaccines and treatments that can be swiftly adapted to target a new viral disease.” Organizations like CEPI will do this by implementing their 100 Days mission – a “plan to make new vaccines against known or novel infectious diseases within three months of their pandemic threat being recognised.”

It’s textbook problem – reaction – solution.

Naturally, CEPI has already partnered with private thin film company Jurata to develop needle-free vaccine patches, and they’ve also partnered with a Korean university to develop novel, self-amplifying mRNA vaccines in, you guessed it, “as little as 100 days.”

CEPI says that “The self-amplifying design works by giving the body instructions to replicate mRNA which could amplify the amount of protein made and reduce the amount of antigen, necessitating fewer vaccine doses and reducing the cost of the vaccine.”

All of this sounds like it could include gain-of-function (GoF) research – a branch of medical research that genetically alters an organism with the aim of enhancing its biological functions to increase things like transmissibility, virulence and immunogenicity.

In a summary workshop on the potential risks and benefits of gain-of-function research in 2014, Dr. Jerry Weir from the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research said that “GoF studies have had an enormous influence on how we develop vaccines over the years … and can help improve the process with the challenges that we still face.”

It’s certainly fitting that COVID was the original Disease X and that the novel mRNA injections likely served as one of the first self-amplifying mRNA vaccines. They were first described as a prodrug by genomics expert Kevin McKernan in July 2022.

“This mRNA [product] is going to go into your cells and create the drug and they are only theorizing what it’s going to create. They have not demonstrated publicly what the mRNA is from a sequencing standpoint where we see the raw reads and see the error rate in the vaccine production… these mRNA are not faithfully reproduced. So we have a prodrug, that is producing a[nother] drug and the drug is not known and has not been characterized and it’s being injected into billions of people with zero liability. This has never happened before in medicine.”

This is an intricate web of private-public partnerships that raises concerns around the true nature and consequences of orchestrating a global response to emerging infectious diseases, notably because Disease X can be perceived as a fear mongering tool used by unelected global health self-appointed authorities to fast track novel vaccines and biological products.

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Original Source: Hypothetical Disease X paves the way for expedited vaccine development

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